As a fellow marketer, you know the value of building a solid marketing plan before beginning with your efforts. Building an email marketing plan and template are no different. This piece will discuss the basics of building an email marketing plan template and some simple tips to keep in mind. Enjoy. BUILDING AN EMAIL MARKETING PLAN TEMPLATE email marketing is an effective way to reach your desired audience, specifically an audience that is actually listening (they’ve opted in to receive more info or...
The word integration means combining parts so they work together to form a whole. Email integration is the process of combining your email marketing with the rest of your marketing, so that you present a unified front to customers and leads. With email integration, you can combine efforts and communications for a client, prospect or user to interact with them more efficiently. There are two types of email integration; manual and automated. Even though manual may be quicker to setup, automated in my eyes...
Two main goals of content marketing are increasing web traffic and nurturing the leads you have. Email newsletter marketing helps you do both. Today we’ll look beyond your basic newsletter campaign and examine how email newsletter marketing can help you increase web traffic. Email newsletter marketing is a versatile, and sometimes overlooked, method of increasing visits to your website – and more qualified traffic means more leads for your business. Newsletter Basics Before I get into new ways to use your...