
Pay Per Click Campaigns

Pay per click campaigns are the best way to get high-intent leads to convert—and con-vert fast

The issue with pay-per-click is that most people haven’t even heard of it, let alone set up a campaign before.

That’s why Active Marketing offers a cost-effective way for you to get the most out of a PPC ad campaign. All without losing your mind (or your budget) trying to figure it all out.


What is Pay Per Click?

If you’ve ever used a search engine before (Google, Yahoo, Bing, or any other then you’ve seen pay per click ads. Chances are you probably just weren’t aware of what they were.

You know all of those “related ads” that take up half the screen when you enter a search?

Those are all PPC ads, paid for by the companies mentioned in the search results.


Reaching Your Audience with Pay Per Click

While PPC isn’t free, the benefit compared to other advertising methods is that you’re only paying when somebody actually clicks on your ad.

And, the money you pay out of pocket for that click will be well worth the ROI when that searcher converts on your site.

How Do My Ads Show Up?

This is where knowing your keywords really comes into play.

Whether or not your ad appears on the top of a SERP is totally dependent on what gets searched. Your ads only show up for the exact keywords or keyphrases you choose.

The more popular the keyword, the more you’re going to pay per click.

But, you’re also liable to gain much more traffic from popular search terms.

Reaching Your Audience with Pay Per Click

How is Cost Determined?

This is where things can get complicated. There are actually two different ways to determine the cost for each click.


Flat-Rate PPC Fees

You pay a flat rate to the search engine each time someone clicks your ad. Like we covered before, these fees are based on the popularity and the difficulty to rank for your given search term.

Ad placement is also a factor.

As you’d expect, ads on the first page of results are much more expensive than ads on the second or third page.

But, again, the number of sales, conversions, or appointments booked from those ads quickly outpaces the cost of a well-placed keyword.

Display Advertising

Bid-Based PPC Fees

These are a bit more complicated than flat-rate fees, but they help maintain an ad budget.

Bid-based fees let you set the maximum dollar amount you’re willing to pay for the highest placement of your ad. Obviously, popularity is a factor when it comes to how successful your ad will be, but you’re never going to pay more than your maximum for those clicks.

Additionally, you’re not always going to pay top-dollar for a given click either. This is a great way to take advantage of more popular keywords when you’re working with a tighter budget.

The Benefit of Active Marketing PPC Management

Lost yet?

Don’t worry—Pay-per-click gets confusing fast. But, after 15 years we’ve found a formula that drives great traffic to our clients while keeping their budgets sound.

We have an expert team that is constantly re-educating themselves on the latest algorithms to make sure you’re getting the best value and great results from our PPC strategies.

Because we know exactly what we need to do to take your brand to the top of search results, there’s no hidden fee structure like you’ll find with other marketing agencies.

You tell us your budget and we’ll tell you exactly how much visibility we can drive.

From there we can get creative in other areas that might be more effective or ones you can cut back on to drive more success from pay per click.