Infographics are highly impressive pieces of creative that can deliver information to your audience quickly and effectively.
Wouldn’t it be cool if you could market your goods and services in a way that would not only deliver the facts about your company, but that would do so in a dynamic and visually engaging way?
We have good news for you – you can. Infographics are one of the newest, hottest marketing trends because they allow you to present marketing information in a concise and entertaining way that grabs the reader by the eyeballs and doesn’t let them go.
active marketing specializes in creating unique, colorful and highly professional infographics that you can use to broaden your company’s appeal and develop an identifiable brand signature. While we’re at it, we can also use our considerable infographic skills to help bring you to the attention of throngs of new customers across the globe.
As a concept, infographics are easy to understand. In fact, people have been using infographics to communicate complex thoughts in a simple way for thousands of years. Ever seen prehistoric cave paintings? Of course you have. These are the first examples of infographic storytelling that served our ancestors well and aided in the development of the written word.
Ironically – and serendipitously – this very same method is now being implemented by thousands of companies worldwide to communicate their marketing messages and establish their brand identities effectively.
How Active Marketing Produces Infographics
1. Work closely with you to develop concepts that you want to communicate
We don’t just grab the reins and take over – it’s your horse, after all, and you understand it better than anyone else.
Instead, we’ll partner with you to ensure that the infographic we produce for you will tell your existing customers and prospective customers all there is to know about your company in a digestible format that’s easy on the eyes.
2. Create an inforgraphic design with professional design sensibilities
It’s one thing to put together an infographic that meets the basic description of what an infographic should be, and another thing entirely to deliver an end product worthy of publication in a magazine.
When it’s not done right, an infographic can be overcrowded and confusing, or bland and boring. Active Marketing creates pro quality infographics that leave zero ambiguity and maximize reader engagement.
3. Use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques
We’ll use this and meta keywords to drive up the ranking of your marketing infographic on search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo!
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4. Prior to publication of your infographic, Active Marketing will develop a counterpart blog post
These will go live simultaneously. What this does is give your infographic invaluable traction in the blogosphere.
Publishing your infographic alongside a blog also makes it simple for others to share it throughout various social media and social news channels like Facebook, Twitter, Digg and Reddit.
It also enables you to email a link to the published infographic to your list of email marketing contacts, bringing even greater exposure and casting a wide net that will ensure maximum ROI.
5. Publish the infographic to a variety of image-oriented social sharing sites
Adding your infographic to sites like Tumblr, Photobucket, Flickr and Pinterest serves to broaden your audience into areas not typically reached by traditional blog posts.
To ensure a high level of visibility, we’ll Tweet individual nuggets of information from the infographic and include a link to it with every Twitter posting.
The Value of Infographics
We live in an information oriented society where data is abundant. Sometimes, it’s so abundant that you just need to temper your textual assaults and give your customers something pretty to look at. Infographics are the best way to educate your customers about the goods and services your company provides, without asking them to read a 600-word blog post they may otherwise pass over or skim through.
If you subscribe to the belief that a picture speaks a thousand words, then you already understand the inherent communication value of a professionally designed, expertly executed infographic. If you’ve been considering creating an infographic to help market your goods and services but just don’t know how to go about getting started, let the experts at Active Marketing take care of that for you.
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